Saturday, August 25, 2007

Pittsburgh means construction...

Hello, and Happy Saturday! This week's shirt simply has a pic of the Parkway East, just before the Squirrel Hill Tunnels. This is for when you miss this view this summer. Many weekends you can't necessarily see the view any further than this. Oh well.....tis the season. Enjoy your weekend!

In association with


Saturday, August 18, 2007

I got all fancy and grown up

Hello all! It's Saturday, and that means that I pick the 'Shirt of the Week.' This week isn't funny, or mean, or even sarcastic. It's nice. It's pretty. And I like it:

So how about that? I can act like a mature adult sometimes. And not just all fakey, either. I really like it. Go figure!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Down with Steely McBeam

One of the latest topics around Pittsburgh has been how much we don't like that damn Steely McBeam. For a multitude of reasons. I don't want the hatred to pass. I've signed a petition to get rid of that damn mascot (see, and now I think that we should wear our hatred. Here's what I've done:

Click here to check it out. Here are some examples:

Polish Pittsburgher, baby

Ok, this week's shirt of the week is in celebration of two things. One is that this past Tuesday was Polish day at Kennywood
The other is that we're going to a festival in Carnegie tonight, and I know I'll be able to get some good Polish food.

Now, there seem to be some problems with the affiliate site for pics showing up. Hopefully that will be fixed shortly. This shirt, just in case there is no pic, says "polka" and has a man playing the accordion. Love it.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Celebrate Steeler Season!

OK, in honor of the fact that there's A FOOTBALL GAME ON TOMORROW, I have chosen the shirt of the week with the Steeler Football Baby. This is old school, and I love it. Reminds me of my gram. Oh..and those hats they used to knit out of Iron City cans. I think we should bring those back!!!! it is:

Enjoy the game, and stay cool!